
Since adopting a plant-based diet, we expanded our pantry in some ways and simplified it in others.  We expanded by adding lots of dried grains and beans as you see in the photo, but we simplified our pantry (and our grocery shopping) by cutting out a lot of canned and preprocessed foods.  Here’s a list of what is in our pantry today.

Dried Beans (Pinto,  Black, Garbanzo, Azuki, Black-Eyed Peas, Red Lentils, Brown Lentils)

Dried Grains (Quinoa, Brown Rice, Arborio Rice, Rolled Oats, Steal Cut Oats, Bulgar Wheat, Barley, Sesame Seeds)

Vinegars and Oils (Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Peanut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Safflower Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar, Red Wine Vinegar, White Vinegar)

Spices (Cumin, Corriander, Paprika, Basil, Thyme, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Red Pepper Flakes, Cayenne Pepper)

Perishable (Tofu, Tempeh, Tahini, Lemons, Onions, Ginger, Garlic, Shoyu, Tamari, Toasted Sesame Oil, Pickled Ginger, Ground Flax Seeds, Non-hydrogenated Margerine Sticks, Earth Balance Buttery Spread, Egg Substitute)

Baking (Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Pastry Flour, All-purpose Flour, Corn Meal, Turbinado Sugar, Brown Sugar, Molassis, Brown Rice Syrup, Agave Nectar, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Vanilla, Powdered Sugar, Corn Starch, Nutritional Yeast, Chick Pea Flour)

General Grocery (Peanut Butter, Almond Butter, Canned Tomatoes, Tomato Paste, Whole Wheat Pasta, Rice Paper Wraps, Nori Wraps, Kombu)